Friday, August 26, 2011


berlalulah sudah ramadhan sebulan brpuasa,
tiba syawal kita rayakan dengan rasa gembira...

hurm...what's up forum?!? it's saturday...another day another challenge..
weeeeiiiyyyhhh...kejapnye rse ttibe jew dh nk raya dh...pejam celik pejam celik ary selasa ni insyallah raya dh..rse mcm kejap jew ramadhan taun ni...

bagi aquh,ramadhan taun ni pling best skali...most of the time i spend my whole day with my freakin awesome friends....they are super cool!!! this is my first time fasting with my class & schoolmate...walaupun makanan DM x sedap mne...tpi kalo dh dgn kwn2 smue jdi best...:DDDsuperlike!!!

lagi satu aq suke time ramadhan ni....bile time prep ptg, smue jdi optional....sukati nk pgi @ ape lgi, amik pluang keemasan ni utk tido kt dorm laa...hehehehehe...pgi pon kdang2 jewp...

in addition, aq suke bulan ramadhan kt samura coz time riadah sukati nk riadah ke x...hurm...kalo time2 mcm ni aq amik kesempatan utk setelkn homework n mcm2 lgi (hal dunia)...

lagi 1, kalo time puasa kt x pnah miss 1 pon tarawih...alhamdulillah aq dpt rse stiap kemanisan malam tarawih....thanx SAMURA..u are my cpu to my monitor..u are my rim for my tyre....(suda ngarut)..

ingat!!! pnuhkn saki baki hari utk brpuasa ni dgn ibadah sebanyak-byknye....smoga hidup kite lebih dibrkati n mndpt syafaat drinye...:):):):)

Thursday, August 25, 2011


DEDIKASI INI DITUJUKAN mcm pngumuman kt B.G.WARD plak msti sbb dh trpngaruh ngun budaya SAMURA..hehehe....
dear blogger,
it's been a long while since the last time i crush on this blog...hurm..looks like the last time i update this blog was way too up to date...geez~~~untuk hari ni aq nk post psal classmate aq yg superb n best!!!  4 AZAMUMTAZ!!!
we're dudes n bro!!!! love the way u guys' atts n perks...hurm it would be very pathethic without u guys in the class....they all made my day very much include for those who is not in this pixca (MEraK,HaZiQ,rAzIn)..
in this pixca : me n my cute lil' daughter....:):):)
another two person that made my day...weiiiiyyyhhh...hahaha
liloe and hazi!!! perfect frenz match!!!
jangan salah anggap pulak pasal pics ni...ini adalah bukti keakraban kitorang sbgai classmate....
:):):):) credit to AMY!!!
BINTANG!!!!!! the one that glows!!! GRANNY!!!!..hehehe
SUHANA n AMALIYANA....dua2 ranker admath...jeles ngun dioang..tpi dioang memg best...
aMbOi!!! nenek ngun atok ke nieyh?!?!?! hehehehehee
hurm... i guess that's all for today...hope i can catcha up later...wish me luck in whatever consequences...for AZAMUMTAZ members, strive for the best and make the people around u proud!!!!